President Principal In Charge
Dr. Marin started Ambiotec in 1986 after obtaining his B.S. and M.S. from Rice University, his Ph.D. from Harvard University and serving on the faculty of Duke University’s School of Engineering and Environmental Studies. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas and has over thirty years of consulting experience in civil and environmental engineering. His current professional interests include the integration of infrastructure, land use, and economic development policies to create competitive communities that attract private sector investments to meet community development goals. His public policy interests center around the promotion of U.S/Mexico Binational Border economic development strategies to reduce illegal immigration pressures and the effects of insecurity on U.S/Mexico trade and investment.

Vice-President Principal
Mr. Mendez has over thirty years of progressive experience in providing quality civil engineering and surveying services for a variety of public and private clients. He is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and is both a Registered Professional Engineer and a Registered Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Texas. Mr. Mendez has worked extensively on the design and development of residential and industrial subdivisions in addition to municipal infrastructure projects that include the design of potable water distribution systems, sanitary sewer collection systems, street and paving projects, and drainage systems. Mr. Mendez is also an experienced and attentive project manager that assists clients with every step of project development and implementation from planning to design and throughout construction.

Vice-President Environmental Services Principal
Mr. Haws has over thirty years of experience in environmental consulting and is an expert in regulatory issues associated with RCRA, Petroleum Storage Tanks, hazardous and solid waste, and NEPA regulations. He received a B.S from the University of Texas at Austin and is a Registered Professional Geoscientist in the State of Texas and a licensed TCEQ Corrective Action Project Manager. His current interests center on the management of NEPA environmental assessments, municipal water and wastewater compliance, industrial storm water compliance, risk management planning, air permitting, and other projects relating to regulatory compliance issues.

Senior Civil Engineer
Mr. Tamayo is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas with over thirty years of engineering consulting experience. He received a B.S. from the University of Notre Dame in Civil Engineering and has since worked with a number of public and private sector clients. He specializes in residential land development and in the design and rehabilitation of municipal infrastructure. He also has extensive experience in the design of elastomeric polyurethane coating and lining systems for the protection of concrete and steel structures subject to corrosive environments.

Senior Engineering Consultant
Dr. Benavides has over fifteen years of consulting experience in the environmental engineering field. He received his B.S. from the University of Notre Dame and has a M.S. and Ph.D. from Rice University. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) and consults with Ambiotec on a part-time basis. His research expertise is in surface and groundwater hydrologic modeling, flood damage reduction modeling, flood mitigation system design, groundwater site investigation and remediation, long-term water management strategy design and implementation, and the development of conjunctive surface/subsurface water use strategies for watersheds around the U.S. Gulf Coast states.

Senior Designer Drafting Manager
Ms. Saldivar has over eight years of drafting and design experience and is Ambiotec’s Senior Designer. She has a degree from Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon and is skilled in AutoCAD/Civil 3D software applications. She oversees the drafting department and is responsible for coordinating the development of plans and specifications for a variety of projects. She routinely performs drafting and 3D modeling services and works closely with project contractors to ensure timely and reliable project deliverables.

Senior Environmental Scientist
Mr. Roberts has over fourteen years of experience in environmental research and consulting. He
received his B.S. from the University of Texas – Brownsville and serves as Ambiotec’s primary
field scientist. He has extensive wetlands compliance experience, including wetland restoration,
delineations and permitting. He also performs environmental compliance activities associated
with contamination assessments, leaking petroleum storage tanks, storm water pollution
prevention, spill prevention, industrial waste management, and environmental sampling on a
variety of projects for public and private-sector clients.

Office Manager